

Umina is a 5 year old Shepperd mix. She is found in Sevilla in the streets when she was a puppy and then came to a foster with the promiss that she only needed to stay for 3 months. But after that, this women couldnt contact the asociation anymore. It seemed like she was set up.. Now 5 years later,…

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Barry was rescued by our volunteer who discovered him chained up, crying all day. She took him home and he is now living with a young girl, other dogs and cats. He is social but in the beginning can be afraid of new dogs. He likes cuddling. Barry is castrated, 8 months old and only 5 kilo. Will not grow…

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Jaime zal in een fosterhome in Nederland (Noord Holland) verblijven vanaf 8 december 2020. Jaime is een lieverd, goed met honden maar een beetje bang met nieuwe mensen. Hij heeft tijd nodig om te wennen maar is daarna heel erg knuffelig en heeft mensen nodig. Hij gaat goed mee aan de lijn en mee in de auto. Hij is een…

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