

Moro was adopted from us a year ago. He was adopted into a family where there were already 3 other dogs. Since the beginning is caused problems for Moro being in this family. After a year the family decided to search for another home. He started to attack the smaller dog of the family. We have found a perfect foster home…

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Thano is mix jack russel podenco which we took in from a family who didnt have time for him. Because of that, he started to have behavioral issues, but nothing we couldt fix just by walking and spending time with him.  He issues were: Destroying the sofa, his bed, biting in peoples ankles, barking at cars. This is only the…

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This dog is such a good dog! He is 7 months old boy named Thor (bonr the 28th of May). We took him from a family because they didnt even had money for themselves, so Thor was already 3 days without food. It was us or the killingstation. Because the family didnt have a licence, they were afraid going to…

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Kamala was brought in with her son, more death than alive. We had to bring her in by wheelbarril, litteraly. Her son was very weak as Kamala did not have enough milk. She had infections in her skin, in her breasts and hair was missing from her skin. She had Sarna and very very thin. Now she is getting stronger,…

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Spunky was found when he was less than five weeks old. He had a funny toe and had clearly been dumped. However, we were able to trace his back story in the end: a man had gifted Spunky to his girlfriend, but she did not want a dog at all. So, the man took Spunky to his uncle, who apparently…

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